2010年5月25日 星期二
2010年5月22日 星期六
A review of my blog so far
2010年5月9日 星期日
You can control your weight as you quit smoking
You can control your weight as you quit smoking
I have found a good article on
Here is the summary of this article: You can control your weight as you quit smoking
Many ex-smokers do gain weights; some, a few pounds, but only a few, lot of weight.Quitting smoking is much more important than gaining a few pounds. Just some simple changes, like developing healthier eating and physical activity habits can help you control your weight when you quit smoking. Averagely, people quitting smoking gain only about 10 pounds if you have smoked for 10 to 20 years or smoked one or more packs of cigarettes a day.
The reasons of gaining weight are: when nicotine, a chemical in cigarette smoke, is in your body that causes you have low or no appetite for food; therefore, when you quit smoking your body turn back to normal and back to the weight you would have been had. During first week after quitting, you might gain 3 to 5 pounds due to water retention. After you stop smoking, you may burn less calories than when you were smoking.
Smoking causes more than 400,000 deaths each year in the
Here is some data:
Men are 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer, women, 12. Smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack as a nonsmoker. Smoking cigarettes are hurting not only smokers’ health, but also the health of anyone who breathes the smoke─smokers or nonsmokers. The smoke could cause heart disease and stroke, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, lung cancers and some types of cancer.
Adapted from the National Cancer Institute's "Smoking: Facts and Tips for Quitting"
You can control your weight as you quit smoking
Try to gradually improve your eating habits. Eating a variety of foods from each group in the Food Guide Pyramid each day.
Think before you act, friends. Choose a healthy, safe, effective way to keep you healthy and lose your weight.
Chronic 慢性的 lasting for a long time; difficult to cure or get rid of
Emphysema 肺氣腫 a condition that affects the lungs, making it difficult to breathe
Pyramid 金字塔 a large building with a square or TRIANGULAR base and sloping side that meet in a point at the top. The ancient
Egyptians built stone pyramids as places to bury their kings and queens.
Bronchitis 支氣管炎 an illness that affect the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs
Stroke 中風 a sudden serious illness when a blood VESSEL (=tube) in the brain bursts or the loss of the ability to move or to speak clearly.